
Perfect Pocket for the Kindle Paperwhite / ペーパーホワイトがすっぽり収まるポケットを発見

I bought an Amazon Kindle Paperwhite the other day. Now I have at least one thing to do while I am taking photos at midnight. I also bought a nice felt case for the new device, but I soon found out that it perfectly sits in the side pocket of f-stop's Kenti shoulder bag. This is my main bag when I take a photo walk which accommodates a Nikon D810 with a lens attached on it, and two other lenses. I also know that this bag is perfect for carrying three bottles of wine by the way :)

先日、AmazonのKindle Paperwhiteを購入した。紙の本が大好きだし、本の作り手として電子に行くことに後ろめたさがあったけれども、捨てるに捨てられない本がたまっていくことに困ってきたし、さらに、これがあれば深夜の撮影時も時間つぶしができる。



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