
インスタグラムの三部作 / Triptych on Instagram





ね? 仕方がないから三等分した画像をまた1つにくっつけて……。




ちなみに、インスタで #triptych を検索をすると、似たようなことをしている人たちの写真が出てきます。

Since I had seen some people on Instagram doing triptych, I decided to do the same thing myself. To do this, I create 3:1 aspect ratio images and divide them into three square images. I number and post them in order. When people see those three images on my tiled profile page, they look like one panoramic image.

Doing this is fun. I visit my own profile page and enjoy how those three images look. Some people figure out what I do, while others don't. I can tell it from how they "liked" the three images.

There are two problems in doing this triptych thing. One of them is that I can't share the three images as one on other social-networking services. So here, I stitched the three images back into one to show you the entire view ...

Another problem is that I have to keep posting three images at the same time. If I don't, the panoramic view will collapse. When can I stop doing this? Shouldn't I think of doing this in the first place? I don't know ...

FYI, you can search #triptych and find people doing the same kind of things.

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