
首都高の昔の「裏」が見える場所 / The Edges

The Edges





After the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995, many parts of Metropolitan Expressway were reinforced. The Route 3 Shibuya Line is one of them. Now the bottom of the expressway is totally covered with the reinforcement.

When I walked along the route the other day, I saw a pedestrian bridge near Ikejiri-Ohashi station. I just wanted to see how things would look from the bridge, so I decided to cross it. Then I noticed that the bridge was so close to the bottom of the expressway and the reinforcement was interrupted. I was able to see the original bottom.

This is the photo I captured looking sideways. Because of the end of the reinforced bottom, the expressway looked like something different, didn't it?


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